“In the midst of Gurus, Experts, and Hacks…what’s missing are real skills.”
Tired of false promises, bloated expectations, and misleading hype? True Entrepreneurship requires
Real Business Skills:
1. Creation Skills – the ability to create and to bring to life something out of an idea or inspiration. (Creatorship)
2. Building Skills – the ability to build a business model around the creation (Entrepreneurship)
3. Growing Skills – the ability to grow the business that was built from creation (Salesmanship)
4. Training Skills – the ability to teach and train people, teams, and organizations to operate systems, frameworks, and processes. (Mentorship)
5. Leading Skills – the ability to lead others to success in the contribution to something bigger than ourselves. (Leadership)
6. Decision Skills – the ability to make solid decisions within good judgement that benefit the greater good. (Hardship)
7. Scaling Skills – the ability to scale the success created through the first six skills (Ownership)
8. Advocacy Skills – the ability to utilize the success created to give back and promote the success of others. (Stewardship)
Ray Gagnon - The CHAOS Coach