The 4P's of Poor Production When a business, an organization, a team, or an individual experiences poor production it is always because of these 4P's...Problem, Pain, Pit, Performance. Let's break it down a little bit further. Problem: there's a problem and you don't know what to do about it, how to handle it, or fix it. So you try to ignore it, but a problem ignored is like a garden that is never weeded. The problem just grows and grows until it takes over and becomes the unavoidable truth which effects everything. It impacts the way you perform as a person, it impacts the effectiveness of a team, it cripples the ability of an organization, and it causes entire businesses to fail, which causes what we call pain. Pain: is the physical, psychological, and emotional discomfort caused by the problem and the pain it causes as it takes over the garden. We see there is a problem, we see that it is growing, and we feel the impact it is having on our world which we internalize as pain. This pain then paralyzes us from taking the actions required to figure out and fix the problem, so the pain shows up as stress, worry, doubt, and fear. Like the weeds covering the ground of the garden, our pain covers our lives and keeps us from comprehending, communicating, and creating the solutions. If we were approached at this stage of the process, we wouldn't even be able to see the problem anymore because the pain has become so overwhelming and it has us operating inside of a pit. Pit: the Pit is the environment created from the problem and the pain. Things seem hopeless, desperate, and impossible. Solutions, inspiration, and motivation is non-existent and our world seems to be consumed by doom and gloom with no apparent end in sight. Our weeds are now choking out and killing the fruitful plants of our lives and we are in despair. This happens on all levels...individual, team, organizational, and across an entire business and as it spreads to more and more people, the pain and the pit are heightened and their intensity is increased causing a negative impact on performance.
Performance: with a problem that has caused pain and put us in the pit, our performance suffers and we find ourselves in an endless loop of self-fulfilling destiny of stress, worry, doubt, and fear. The quality and quantity of our performance suffers because we have lost our drive, our inspiration of creativity, and our motivation to improve things. You see, when people are not solving problems, they are living with the pain of the problem, which puts them into the desperate emotions of the pit, and their performance has no meaning and loses it's value. In short our painful performance causes...POOR PRODUCTION! Think about the pain or the pit your life or business is in. Do you know how to go back and control emotions long enough to solve the problems that caused all the mess to begin with? Have A Great Day My Friends! CHAOS.Coach