Is worry, doubt, and fear part of your daily existence? Do you worry about success, doubt your abilities, or fear failure? If so join the club!
Most people are so focused on their own lives or success, that they become slaves to their survival. When we focus solely on ourselves...we create worry, doubt, and fear of failure, playing the "what if" game over and over in our minds.
We become so involved in it, that we can't even see what's happening to us and we can't understand why we feel stuck and submerged in the struggle of success!
We don't realize that all we need to do, is trust ourselves, trust our own skills, and trust our God given gifts! You see, we were all meant to give our gifts to the world...to serve others with those gifts and not ourselves.
When we surrender to our service, when we focus on giving our gifts as it is meant to be...we feel free, we become submerged in service instead of struggle.
So why don't we do this? Because most of us lack the tools and training required to overcome our self-programming of survival! Think about it...
When we surrender to service by sharing our gifts, we feel free. But when we surrender to survival...then we feel nothing but struggle!
Get the tools, get the training...NOW!
Have a great day my friends!
Give me a shout, I'm here to help.