TRUST...a tricky thing! We all know what trust, or a lack of trust, or broken trust, or no trust looks like when dealing with others.
Someone does something they said they wouldn't do, someone doesn't do something they said they would do, someone takes actions that causes us pain, someone tells us something that turns out to be wrong or out and out lies to us...and so on and so on.
There are hundreds of ways people can lose our trust and we recognize it immediately! But when it comes to "Self-Trust" it can get tricky and clarity can be elusive.
You see our mind is designed to protect us and ensure our survival at all costs, actually our entire system is set up to protect us and do the same thing.
So when we do or not do things to ourselves or for ourselves...our survival mechanisms always automatically provide us with reasons, reactions, and justifications for doing or not doing them.
Our own psyche takes actions to ensure we're always right...at least to ourselves. That way we remain sane, safe, and thus survive.
So what happens when we tell ourselves we're going to do something and we don't do it, or we tell ourselves we're not going to do something and we do it anyway...you guessed it, we break "Self-Trust".
The tricky part is, unlike the immediate recognition of broken trust with others...our "survival systems" do not always allow us to immediately see the damage we've done.
Thus we usually continue to break our "Self-Trust" until we feel the pain of the results we produce from our actions or inactions.
When we BREAK "Self-Trust" we damage our CONFIDENCE in the actions we take and thus we diminish our CERTAINTY in the result we're producing.
In turn without certainty we feel the pain of worry, doubt, and fear which will keep us from taking the required actions to BUILD "Self-Trust"...and the cycle continues.
We must all find the tools that BUILD and not BREAK "Self-Trust"!
Have a great day my friends!
Give me a shout, I'm here to help.