No one else matters...
If we are not true to ourselves, we are not true with anyone or anything else.
We often feel like our success lies in someone else's opinions or perceptions of us. So we find ourselves focusing very hard on pleasing or impressing others and it seems normal.
The challenge here is that when we do this over and over again for a long period of time (a lifetime for some of us) we lose sight of who's opinion and perception matters...our own.
We spend our lifetime trying to get ahead and succeed by impressing others and we lose ourselves in the process. We wake up one morning and we don't recognize the person we've become. We have placed everyone else's values and standards ahead of our own...and we're lost. That's the truth.
Now we must learn or remember how to know ourselves...our own truth and it begins and ends with the world inside each of us.
My World...My Soul...Myself!
Have a great day my friends!
Give me a shout, I'm here to help.