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Attention Marketing


Attention Marketing: Today's Noisy World In today's world of constant information, constant media, constant social media, constant ads & offers, constant technology, which creates constant noise...we struggle to give everyone and everything our attention. Most people have way too much information running through their worlds and into their minds. So much that they can't seem to give attention to any one thing for any length of time. This creates challenges for those in the marketing profession because traditional marketing requires the prospective contact to spend time and digest a message. In today's world of "zero attention" marketers don't have that time, they don't get the time of attention anymore, they literally get seconds of focus blips and need to capture attention in that instant window. So this requires a change in marketing and advertising practices. One of these changes is what I call..."Attention Marketing". Attention Marketing is comprised of four distinct phases that a potential client or customer will pass through, and if you line up your advertising and marketing messages with these phases, you will have earned the customer's attention and gained the entry way into a successful relationship. If you violate these phases by using traditional marketing messages before you have captured the contact's will not only lose them as a potential customer, but you will have wasted a ton of marketing dollars in doing so. So the four phases of "Attention Marketing" are this:

1. AWARE: this is where the contact becomes aware that you even exist, where they discover WHO you are and that you even have a business.

2. AWAKEN: this is where the contact awakens to WHAT you do and HOW you do it. Now that they know you exist, they are ready to learn what it is you do and how you do it differently than your competition.

3. AROUSE: this is when the contact is exposed to WHY you do what you do and what is your purpose. They are looking to learn the "story" behind your product or service, they seek to align with your cause, to trust you, and they want to become a raving fan not just a consumer.

4. ACTION: this is a two part phase, the first is the point of the sales transaction, where the contact actually commits and proceeds to BUY from you (their action). The second is when you actually deliver the service and make good on your promised VALUE and benefit (your action)...justifying their purchase and being a "fan".

So if you realize that you only have seconds to capture and maintain attention in each phase and you understand what the customer's attention focus is at that point and time in the process, then you can create an advertising and marketing plan that delivers focus and captures attention inside of this very noisy world. Have A Great Day My Friends. CHAOS.Coach

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